酒吧常用英语句子 - 知乎

由:admin 发布于:2024-04-08 分类:体育资讯 阅读:39 评论:0


  1 这些是您要的花生和开胃饼干,还有一条餐巾。

  Here are some peanuts and some savory crackers, and a napkin.


酒吧常用英语句子 - 知乎


  I'm terribly sorry about that, sir. What seems to bethe matter?

  3 您要再来一杯饮料吗?这一份免单。

酒吧常用英语句子 - 知乎

  Can I get you another drink? This one's on the house.

  4 再来一杯酸威士忌?先生,我马上给您拿来。请问您喜欢哪一种威士忌?

  Another whiskey sour? Right away, sir. Do you have any preferences on the whiskey?

  5 那边有一瓶十二年的杰克·丹尼尔威士忌。

  That bottle over there is Jack Daniel's - aged 12 years.

  6 欢迎来到“酒水打折时段”。这里的酒水在下午五点至晚上八点期间打对折。

  Welcome to our “Happy Hours”. Our drinks are at half price from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  7 一份威士忌苏打,不加冰,我马上拿来。先生,请慢用。

  One whisky soda, no ice, coming up immediately. Cheers, sir.

  8 来一杯不含酒精的鸡尾酒吧,比如胡椒菠萝,还是尤利橙汁?

  What about a non-alcoholic cocktail – a Pineapple Pepper Upper or an Orange Julius?

  9 这里空气很闷。您要出去呼吸点新鲜空气吗?

  It is very stuffy here. Would you like to get some fresh air?

  10 也许稍后您会再来喝杯睡前饮料。谢谢光临。

  See you later for a night-cap, maybe. Thanks for coming.

  11 先生,对不起。这是我们的最低收费:两杯饮料,每杯 90 元人民币,再加 10%的服务费。

  I’m sorry, sir. That’s our minimum charge --- two drinks at 90 RMB each, plus 10% service charge.

  12 果汁杯怎么样?里面有香槟酒、黑朗姆酒、橘子汁、柠檬汁、菠萝汁、糖和姜啤。

  How about a Fruit Juice Cup? That has: champagne, dark rum, orange juice, lemon juice, pineapple juice, sugar and ginger ale in it?

  13 曼哈顿怎么样?这是一道经典鸡尾酒:加拿大威士忌加苦艾酒和苦味酒。

  How about a Manhattan? It is a classic drink: Canadian whiskey, vermouth and angostura bitter.

  14 果味鸡尾酒是由橘子汁、葡萄汁、西番莲果汁、酸橙汁、芒果汁、菠萝汁和一些猕猴桃糖浆调成的。

  The Fruit Cocktail has orange, grapefruit, passion fruit, lime, mango and pineapple juice, with just a little kiwi syrup in it.

  15 我们这里没有生啤,只有瓶装啤酒。

  We don't have any draught beer. We only have bottled beer.

  16 夏威夷岛冲浪与魔幻岛相似,用椰子汁、菠萝汁和橘汁沙冰调制而成。

  The Hawaii Surfer is similar to Magic Island, with coconut, pineapple and orange sorbet.

  17 布朗先生,您今晚要喝点什么?是不是像往常一样来杯啤酒?

  What's your pleasure this evening, Mr. Brown? Your usual beer?

  18 这是普施咖啡,又叫彩虹酒。它是用几种不同的餐后甜酒调制而成的。看上去像彩虹。It's a "pousse café" or "Rainbow Cocktail", and it is made from several liqueurs. It looks like a rainbow.

  19 论罐买啤酒比论杯买啤酒划算。

  Buying beer by the pitcher is cheaper than buying it by the glass.

酒吧常用英语句子 - 知乎

  20 对不起,您喝醉了,我们不能卖酒给您。

  I'm sorry but I can't serve you since you're intoxicated.



